• 新淨 Fractal Design Define Nano S 電腦機箱 機殼 送2把散熱風扇

    the above discounted price is only valid when you purchase 3 more items at marked price at the same time, otherwise refer to the marked price below

    【有現貨!即日交收!】【獨立包裝】?自救系列?? 新淨 Fractal Design Define Nano S 電腦機箱 機殼 送2把散熱風扇

    #口罩 醫療 防疫 發夢 遮面 蒙面 面罩 #byeoldstyle

    水冷 靜音 電競 機箱

    新淨 100% 正常
    Define 系列ITX機箱採用吸音和ModuVent™技術設計,保證系統安靜的運轉 採用優良的線纜管理及與全尺寸高階配件兼容的用戶友好結構

    網站圖片只供參考, 産品顏色或會因電腦顯示屏設定或圖片不同的差異而略有不同。

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    1. 由於反應熱烈,價格有機會根據市場需求而作出調整,建議買家盡快出價落訂,可先過數留貨再約見交收/郵寄。
    2. 所有貨品數量有限,不設未付款先留貨。如有多人同時想要,價高者得。
    3. 以上為家購自用非商業性產品,低價蝕讓,一旦出門,不設退換。以示公正,交收前買家可選擇以自己方式測試檢驗產品。買家如選擇平郵/速遞,一切風險(如寄失等)自負。

    Fractal Design Define Nano S desktop gaming computer case Chasis

    condition as shown in pictures
    Designed for silent computing with sound dampening and ModuVent™ technology
    User-friendly design with superior cable management and room for full-size components
    Flexible storage options with room for up to four drives
    water cooling ready

    pls state the amount required in private messages and leave your whatsapp
    Island line meet up or by post, postage fee not included

    1. All goods are amount-limited and only reserved upon payment.
    2. If more than 1 buyer requesting at the same time, the highest bidder gets it.
    3. The above non-commercial item is selling for lower-than-market price, no refund after payment. To ensure fairness between both sides, buyers can check the item before purchase using their own methods upon meet up. If you choose postage/delivery, you agree to be liable for all risks it may involve.


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